AH May 2024

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Keep the dream alive

his month’s cover story is about immigration, a topic I know is near

and dear to the hearts of many of you. There’s an element of generosity

in the stories of hoteliers providing employment for refugees from the

wars in Afghanistan and Ukraine, but the emphasis is on the practical

need for comprehensive immigration reform.

America needs workers, but why?

Really, it’s more that the hotel industry needs workers, particularly because so

many had to be laid off during the pandemic. An interesting data point found in

this month’s cover comes from the American Hotel & Loding Association, which

found that, while the industry added 1,200 jobs in April, the current number of

hotel employees nationwide, 1.92 million people, is nearly 200,000 people short of

February 2020 levels.

Kevin Carey, AHLA’s Interim president and CEO, said hotels are doing what they

can to attract and retain employees, including enhancing wages, benefits, and

flexibility. Still, there remains a shortfall that provides an open door to immigrant


There has been a persistent belief by many that one reason for that is that

immigrants are willing to take jobs citizens don’t want. A 2020 survey by the Pew

Research Center found that 77 percent of adults believed undocumented immigrants

mostly fill jobs U.S. citizens do not want.

More recent research from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce calls the dynamic

affecting the American labor force “The Great Reshuffle.” The hospitality and

food service segments hae seen the highest quit rates, and those workers are not


“While quit rates remain high, hiring rates continue to outpace them as many

workers have been transitioning to other jobs in search of an improved work-life

balance and flexibility, increased compensation, or a strong company culture,” the

chamber said in one article on its site.

In a day of increasing use of remote work, it may be that hotels will become more

and more reliant on temporary immigrant workers who still don’t have that option.

At the same time, take comfort in the idea that you may be putting those temporary

workers on the path to permanent residence within the American dream.

Edward J. Brock, Senior Editor

[email protected]

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Editor's Letter



May 2024 | Issue 225

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